We will search every convience store your dad may have gone to pick up those cigarettes that he said he'd be back after picking up.
We'll make your recover dad make up for lost birthdays.
We will help keep your dad safe and secure to prevent future loss.
We started our first Dad Finder office. Flyering local cafes and restaurants to attract customers and working soup kitches to get leads on missing dads.
We got a boat load of money to start developing the latest and greatest Dad finding technologies.
Our Lost Dad Radar system, Lost Dadar 3000, went into production. They system is capable of finding 100 dads per minute in different area codes.
The CIA tried to sue Dad Finder for the rights to use Lost Dadar 3000 tracking technologies and lost with a verdict upheld by the SCOTUS.
Dad Finder reunited over 1 million families with their Dads.
Even though your dad left without leaving us an address, we won't.